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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Betting Strategies 101

In this post I wanted to go over several rules that I follow that has allowed me to be a successful gambler. I have already mentioned some of these somewhere on my site before, but I feel that some are very important and are worth mentioning again.
Patience - Very very important factor if you are trying to make a profit in the long run. You should be willing to take a loss, having losing days will be a disappointment but you have to learn to control yourself. Avoid doubling up to make up for your previous losses.
Money Management - This is another major factor that a sports bettor planning on being in the business and making money in the long run must achieve. If you are betting an amount that you feel uncomfortable with then you are betting way too much. Every successful gambler needs to come up with some type of a money management system that they can easily sustain. This will let you know how many bets you would have to lose before running out of funds. I personally always set a limit for every wager I place, once set I follow that limit for at least a month. No matter how good a wager might look to me, it doesn't affect how much I'm gonna bet on it once my limit is set.
Set A Goal - Unless you are betting for fun, you have to set some type of a goal, so you know what to aim for. I set several goals for myself when gambling which include setting the amount of wagers placed per month to what I expect my net profit for the month to be. I also set a yearly goal for myself that includes my net profit I am shooting for. I don't mind having a losing month, but having a losing year is a total failure and waste of time for me. Overall having a losing year is unacceptable when it comes to gambling to me. I feel I have too much patience, and unless I just have the worst luck one year, I should never have a losing year.
Be Comfortable - Meaning before placing your wagers, pick an establishment that you are comfortable with and that doesn't have too many distractions. I almost always go through the same routine whenever I place my wagers. I usually look at several games the night before, think about the games during the day of the event, then place my wager closer to game time just in case of any last minute changes.
Betting Under The Influence - This might go hand to hand sometimes but usually never the best idea. Lets you are at a sports bar watching a game, after a few drinks decide to get on your phone and sign in to one of your favorite online sports book and place that wager you were thinking about earlier. Not a good idea at all, and yes I have been guilty of this back during my amateur days. I am much wiser now and know better. Just for the record though, I did win those few wagers I placed being under the influence of alcohol. At any cost, you just want to avoid making decisions under the influence of anything especially when money is involved and if you are serious about making a profit sports gambling in the long run.
There are so many strategies that will help every bettor be successful, but the ones I have mentioned the ones I feel are some of the most important. Every sports bettor is different and all will have their own tips and strategies, but for most I think will agree with the ones above.

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